Objavljeno: 28 Dec 2010 21:53 |
Danes ob 10.30 po lokalnem času se je na smučišču Sugarleaf zgodila žičniška nesreča. S kolesnih baterij se je snela vrv, poškodovanih je 6 ljudi. Natančnega vzroka še ne vedo, se je pa žičnica stalno ustavljala, pihal naj bi tudi veter v sunkih.
Tu spodaj je nekaj besedila s strani boston.com in nydailynews.com
Approximately 220 passengers were on the lift at the time of the accident. Using ropes and harnesses, the mountain's ski patrol began evacuating those that remained stranded on the broken-down lift - but not before several of those stranded could post photos on social media sites and call news organizations to deliver first-person accounts of the incident.
"The chairlift was going slow and the winds started picking up," Robb Atkinson, a CNN employee who was trapped on the lift told the network. "It was stopping and starting, stopping and starting. One of the times where it started again, all of a sudden there was a bump and we could feel a jerk. And we heard screams from skiers down below yelling 'the chairs are off the lift!'"
Žičnica naj bi vozila le še to sezono, saj naj bi jo drugo leto zamenjala nova naprava (očitno jo bo res:))... Nisem ziher, za katero napravo gre, pomoje, da je kakšna Poma ali Tatra Poma... sedeži so podobni. Je bilo pa v času nesreče na napravi 220 ljudi, tako da mora biti zadeva zelo dolga!